Thursday, July 7, 2011

Special Edition (in English)

Thank you for following our travel blog.

You probably tried to Google translate our previous posts, but as we teach our students, it doesn't really do the trick :-)

We arrived in Los Angeles the 29th of June. We started out with the touristy stuff: Santa Monica, Warner Brothers Studio, Venice Beach and Hollywood. The trip continued to San Clemente, where we had the opportunity to stay at a "local family". We had a great time with the Kennedy's, who showed us around in San Clemente and the nearby area.
Las Vegas was the next stop, and boy did we have an experience! It was the night before the 4th of July, so the city was crazy (more than usually). There were great big fireworks and people everywhere. We tried to gamble a little bit, but lost 80 dollars in 15 minutes, which takes the fun out of it.
We continued our journey and arrived at Grand Canyon National State Park (North Rim) late the 4th of July. During our stay we went on 3 different hikes in various lengths (1 - 8 miles). Grand Canyon is beautiful though, and we can see what the fuss is about.
When we left Grand Canyon we didn't really have any plans. We are just heading towards Chicago, where we are suppose to be around the 10th of July. We drove through Monument Valley and found ourselves in the middle of nowhere. We camped outside Mexican Hat in the middle of the dessert, and had quite an experience. There was a really strong wind and there was a time, we were nervous about the tents reliability. We survived and glad we did it - it will be a good story to tell our grand kids someday :-)
This second we are in the Rocky Mountains, where we found this beautiful resort (in the middle of nowhere again). It is right next to a lake and it has cozy porches, were we can hang out and mountains all around.  


  1. Thank you for this English edition. Holy sh*it! Is that really your tent in the middle of that desert? That looks dangerous! Can't wait to see you.

  2. Hej Maj, Karen og Helene!
    Det lyder som en fantastisk tur, og tak fordi I lader os hjemmeblevne følge med på bloggen. :)
    Fortsat rigtig god tur.
    Kh. Anne (Majs kollega)
